(423) 413-5031 Info@crosbyconstruction.net

Post With Small Image

Jowl pork loin pancetta salami turducken ground round ribeye cow pastrami strip steak corned beef short loin hamburger sirloin andouille. Sirloin shankle beef ribs sausage cow frankfurter shoulder turducken. Biltong filet mignon fatback salami ham hock drumstick. More…

Post with carousel

Jowl pork loin pancetta salami turducken ground round ribeye cow pastrami strip steak corned beef short loin hamburger sirloin andouille. Sirloin shankle beef ribs sausage cow frankfurter shoulder turducken. Biltong filet mignon fatback salami ham hock drumstick. More…

Post With Youtube Video

Jowl pork loin pancetta salami turducken ground round ribeye cow pastrami strip steak corned beef short loin hamburger sirloin andouille. Sirloin shankle beef ribs sausage cow frankfurter shoulder turducken. Biltong filet mignon fatback salami ham hock drumstick. More…

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  • Monday - Friday 8:00 - 5:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed

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